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H. Firth, A speech attrib. to Ol. Cromwell. (Ac. Nr. 933, 206–7, bespricht W. Michael’s Aufsatz in der HZ.) – i) E. Jenks, The constit. experiments of the Commonwealth, 1649–60. (Cambr. Hist. Essays Nr. 3.) Cambridge, Warehouse. 140 p. 2 sh. 6 d. – k) Al. C. Fraser, Locke. (Philos. Classics). Blackwood. 308 p. 3 sh. 6 d. – l) R. Garnett, Life of John Milton. (Great Writers.) Scott. 230 p. 2 sh. 6 d. Vergl. Bibl. Nr. 746. 810. 813. 865.


18. Jahrhundert. a) Calendar of treasury papers, 1720–28, pres. in the Record Office. (Gov. Publl.) 15 sh. – b) Correspondence between the right hon. Will. Pitt and Charles Duke of Rutland, lordlieuten. of Ireland, 1781–87, with introd. by John Duke of Rutland. Blackwood. 186 p. 7 sh. 6 d. – c) S. Osborn, Political and social letters of a lady of the 18. cent., 1721–71; ed. by E. F. D. Osborn. Mit 4 lllustr. Griffith, Farran. 186 p. 21 sh. – d) J. Mc Carthy, A hist. of the four Georges. Vol. II. Chatto & Windus. 402 p. 12 sh. – e) W. E. H. Lecky, Hist. of Engl. in the 18. cent. Vol. VII–VIII. Longmans. 1200 p. 36 sh. – f) Von dem Verfasser der Juniusbriefe handelte W. Fr. Rae in Ath. Nr. 3270 u. 3276. – g) G. A. Aitken, The life of Rich. Steele. 2 vol. Isbister. 1889. 880 p. 32 sh. – h) R. Green, John Wesley. Wesleyan Conference office. 198 p. 1 sh. 6 d. – i) A. Join-Lambert, Londres et les Anglais en 1771, d’après des notes de voyage etc. Impr. Roussel. 56 p. – k) Frances Burney, Early diary 1768–78; ed. by A. R. Ellis. 2 vol. Bell. 790 p. 32 sh. – l) L. J. Trotter, Warren Hastings. Clarendon Press. 220 p. 2 sh. 6 d. – m) Ch. Chabaud-Arnault. Les expéditions d’Irlande sous le directoire, 1796–98. (Univ. cath. 5, 321–52; 526–37.) – n) J. Morley, Walpole. (12 Engl. Statesmen). Macmillan. 251 p. 2 sh. 6 d. – Vgl. Bibliogr. ’90, 3382. 4344 a. ’91, 911. 920. 977. 1103.


Neueste Zeit. Allgemein. u. polit. Geschichte. a) Lord Melbourne’s papers, ed. Ll. C. Sanders with a preface by Cowper. Longmans. 552 p. 18 sh. – b) Reports of the state trials; new series II: 1823–31, ed. by J. Macdonell. Stat. Off. 10 sh. – c) G. L. Brown, Wellington; publ. and priv. life etc. Soc. prom. christ. knowl. xxv 381 p. 5 sh. – d) P. H. Stanhope, Notes of conversations[WS 1] with the duke of Wellington [1831–51]. Murray. 7 sh. 6 d. – e) Stanley Lane-Poole, Life of lord Stratford de Redcliffe. Longmans. 390 p. 7 sh. 6 d. – f) Edw. Hamley, The war in the Crimea. Seeley. 312 p. 5 sh. – g) Zu der Sammlung Queen’s Prime Ministers (Sampson Low.) gehören: Dunckley, Lord Melbourne. 6 sh. – J. A. Froude, Beaconsfield. x 268 p. 3 sh. 6 d. – h) A. Lang, Life, letters and diaries of Sir Stafford Northcothe (Earl Iddesleigh). Blackwood. 740 p. 31 sh. 6 d. – i) J. B. Smith, The life of W. E. Gladstone. Ward. 604 p. 3 sh. 6 d. Vgl. Bibliogr. ’90, 3446; 58; 59. 3512. ’91, 1112; 20; 32 a.


Social- u. Literaturgeschichte d. 19. Jh. a) G. v. Schulze-Gaevernitz, Zum socialen Frieden; e. Darstellung der socialpol. Erziehung d. Engl. Volkes im 19. Jh. 2 Bde. Lpz., Duncker & H. xvj 367 u. 510 p. 18 M. – b) J. Ashton, Soc. England under the regency. 2 vol. Ward & D. 770 p. 30 sh. – c) Ll. Jones, Life of Rob. Owen, ed. by W. E. Jones. I. Sonnenschein. 203 p. 6 sh. – d) W. L. Garrison, The story of his life, 1805–79. III–IV (1841–79). Fisher Unwin. 30 sh. – e) Diaries of Sir Moses and

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Verschiedene: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft. Freiburg i. Br.: Akademische Verlagsbuchhandlung von J. C. B. Mohr, 1891, Seite 232. Digitale Volltext-Ausgabe bei Wikisource, URL: (Version vom 22.12.2022)