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Datei:Horizon skimming Kerr orbit.gif

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English: Photon orbit below the ergosphere and above the horizon of an extremal Kerr black hole. Spin parameter: a=1, direction of motion: prograde. Initial conditions: radius r=1.448GM/c², polar angle θ=90°, local equatorial inclination angle i=66.1391°, constants of motion: energy E=0.475744hf, axial angular momentum Lz=0.856004GMhf/c³, Carter constant Q=1.75361GMHf/c³. Left: x,z-projection, right: x,y-projection. For a close particle orbit see here.
Quelle Eigenes Werk
Urheber Yukterez (Simon Tyran, Vienna)
Andere Versionen
Kerr-Newman orbit (a=0.9, Q=0.4)


01) Coordinate time (GM/c^3)         11) BL r coordinate (GM/c^2)         21) Radius of gyration (GM/c^2)      31) Observed framedragging rate (c^3/G/M)
02) Affine parameter (GM/c^3)        12) BL φ coordinate (radians)        22) Cartesian radius (GM/c^2)        32) Local framedragging velocity (c)
03) 1st derivative (dt/dτ)           13) BL θ coordinate (radians)        23) BH Irreducible mass (M)          33) Cartesian framedragging velocity (c)
04) Grav. time dilation (dt/dτ)      14) dr/dτ (c)                        24) Kinetic energy (hf)              34) Proper velocity (c, dl/dτ)
05) Local energy (dt/dτ, mc^2)       15) dφ/dτ (c^3/G/M)                  25) Potential energy (hf)            35) Observed velocity (c, d{x,y,z}/dt)
06) Cartesian radius (GM/c^2)        16) dθ/dτ (c^3/G/M)                  26) Total energy (hf)                36) Escape velocity (c)
07) x Axis (GM/c^2)                  17) d^2r/dτ^2 (c^6/G/M)              27) Carter constant (GMhf/c^3)       37) Local r velocity (c)
08) y Axis (GM/c^2)                  18) d^2φ/dτ^2 (c^6/G^2/M^2)          28) φ angular momentum (GMhf/c^3)    38) Local θ velocity (c)
09) z Axis (GM/c^2)                  19) d^2θ/dτ^2 (c^6/G^2/M^2)          29) θ angular momentum (GMhf/c^3)    39) Local φ velocity (c)
10) travelled distance (GM/c^2)      20) Spin parameter (GM^2/c)          30) Radial momentum (hf/c)           40) Total local velocity (c)

Equations of motion

All formulas come in natural units:

Coordinate time by proper time (dt/dτ):

Radial coordinate time derivative (dr/dτ):

Time derivative of the covariant momentum's r-component (pr/dτ):

Relation to the local velocity:

Latitudinal time derivative (dθ/dτ):

Time derivative of the covariant momentum's θ-component (pθ/dτ):

Relation to the local velocity:

Longitudinal time derivative (dФ/dτ):

Time derivative of the covariant momentum's Ф-component (pФ/dτ):

Carter-constant (I is the orbital inclination angel):

Carter k (constant):

Total energy (constant):

Angular momentum on the Ф-axis (constant):

with the radius of gyration

Frame Dragging angular velocity (dФ/dt):

Gravitational time dilation (dt/dτ):

Local velocity on the r-axis:

Local velocity on the θ-axis:

Local velocity on the Ф-axis:

with the cartesian coordinates:

The observed velocity β is given by:

The local escape velocity is given by the relation:

Shorthand Terms:

Sources: [1][2][3][4][5][6]


  1. Pu, Yun, Younsi & Yoon: General-relativistic radiative transfer in Kerr spacetime, p. 2+
  2. Janna Levin & Gabe Perez-Giz: A Periodic Table for Black Hole Orbits, p. 30+
  3. Scott A. Hughes: Nearly horizon skimming orbits of Kerr black holes, p. 5+
  4. Janna Levin & Gabe Perez-Giz: The Phase Space Portrait, p. 2+
  5. Misner, Thorne & Wheeler (MTW): The Bible Archivkopie in der Wayback Machine, p. 897+
  6. Simon Tyran: Kerr Orbits / Gravitationslinsen


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Photonenorbit um ein maximal rotierendes schwarzes Loch

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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell00:30, 10. Apr. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 00:30, 10. Apr. 2019758 × 544 (6,57 MB)Yukterezcolor correction
23:57, 20. Mär. 2019Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:57, 20. Mär. 2019758 × 544 (6,72 MB)Yukterezusing an orbit closer to the horizon at r=1.448GM/c²
21:32, 12. Jul. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 21:32, 12. Jul. 2017758 × 500 (4,59 MB)YukterezThe kinetic energy in the display is actually the kinetic energy plus the rest energy
04:43, 9. Jul. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 04:43, 9. Jul. 2017758 × 500 (4,62 MB)Yukterezthe units of the linear momentum components need to be mc, not c
06:03, 3. Jul. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 06:03, 3. Jul. 2017758 × 500 (4,58 MB)Yukterezsetting loop repeating option to infinity
05:49, 3. Jul. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 05:49, 3. Jul. 2017758 × 500 (4,58 MB)Yukterezchosing a more representative orbit type, expanding numerical display
09:44, 23. Jun. 2017Vorschaubild der Version vom 09:44, 23. Jun. 2017770 × 380 (10,25 MB)YukterezUser created page with UploadWizard

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