Benutzer:NRodriguez (WMF)
Dies ist die Benutzerseite eines Benutzers, der Mitglied des Personals der Wikimedia Foundation war oder als Auftragnehmer für die Foundation gearbeitet hat. Um eine historische Aufzeichnung zu erhalten, wurde sie nicht gelöscht. Die angegebenen Kontaktinformationen können jedoch falsch sein, da dieser Nutzer nicht mehr bei der Foundation beschäftigt ist. Um mit den derzeitigen Mitarbeitern der Foundation Kontakt aufzunehmen, siehe Kategorie:Mitarbeiter der Wikimedia Foundation oder [Wikimedia Foundation/Organizational chart Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer]. Wenn du Hilfe benötigst, um die richtigen Mitarbeiter für ein Problem zu finden, kontaktiere |
About me
Hola! My name is Natalia and I am the Sr. Product Manager for the Community Tech tools, thanks for popping into this page to find out more about who I am. Drop a note! I am passionate about access to knowledge and excited to tackle that problem together. Prior to WMF, I wrote programming courses for Codecademy (check out the R courses here) + co-built products to increase learning engagement for the platform. I've also tackled knowledge accessibility with the American Museum of Natural History by building products with the Science Visualization Group and teaching at the Bridge Up STEM program.
In my free time, I like to interrogate assumptions and romanticize the power of community while reminding myself individuals are complex! I was born in Mexico and am currently living in NYC.
My work
Contact me
- E-mail:
- IRC: nrodriguez
- Location: New York, New York (UTC-4:00)
- Local time: 12:36 PM
Body of Work [Product Management]
Project | Summary |
Realtime Preview for WikiText | Wish Objective Summary: Allow users using the 2010 wikitext editor to preview the page in real time when editing. |
Better diffs | Wish Objective Summary:Improve MediaWiki diff display for paragraphs that are split and modified. |
Generate Audio for IPA | Wish Objective Summary: Generate the audio for IPA notation for readers of the WMF projects. |
Warn when linking to disambiguation pages | Wish Objective Summary: Reduce undesirable links to disambiguation pages on the wiki(s) |
Research about WMF products and contributors I've found insightful
User language |
Users by language |
Contributor Research
2019 Survey of Dutch Wikipedia Editors - useful for understanding demographic of that region make up with some details on neurodiversity
2022 Content Moderation in Medium-Sized Wikimedia Projects - useful in understanding pain points encountered by contributors who moderate wikis that are on the medium size in terms of articles and active contributors
2015 Personas for product development for the movement - a good glossary on motivation and different abstracted subsets of users within the movement