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Benutzer Diskussion:Haabet

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 17 Jahren von Joergens.mi in Abschnitt Uploads

Herzlich willkommen bei Wikisource. Solltest Du Fragen haben, benutze einfach das Wikisource:Skriptorium oder komm in den Chat #wikisource-de. Viel Spaß hier! --AndreasPraefcke 22:08, 3. Mai 2006 (UTC)

Hallo Haabet, nur mal so als Frage kommt der ganze Text zu den Seiten noch oder bleiben die als Bildseiten, denn im zweiteren Falle ist wohl wesentlich sinnvoller das direkt auf Commons zu machen. Wikiosurce hat eigentlich die Aufgabe Texte zu sammeln. Das dabei auch schicke Bilder gehören können muß dem ja nicht abträglich sein. Gruß --Finanzer 19:22, 5. Mai 2006 (UTC)

I hope as you can get the text. This work is a standard work about fashion. But it had about 1000 images, which can use of Commons and all wikis. I think I have need of 3 years by get the images and the text. If you or other can get the text from you library it go quicker, becorse I do not understand German. Haabet 21:59, 5. Mai 2006 (UTC)

Mmh, now we together have a problem ;-) This project is actual a project for cellecting texts in german language nit only for pictures. And i have asked some other people, nobody can reach in short time the book to begin to complete the text. Because this my suggestion: Transfer the pages to commons and collect there the pictures. If we have anytime the book we complete the project here, with the text. Until this i fear we have to delete the pages. I'm so sorry for your work. Greetings --Finanzer 22:18, 5. Mai 2006 (UTC)
You have misunderstood the english. Textbook is Lehrbuch in German, not a Text-Buch
You have misunderstood wikisource. Die Mode; Menschen und Mode im neunzehnten Jahrhundert Is the bible of fashion.
The single images, by legend have a value without text, but the partial text without images is worthless, so images before text.
Commons is to images and not to a Geman Textbook.
It is unpleasant if this important work, not have space on wikisource.
perhaps the text is on the internet already.
It not possibly as fin the images again, in the correct order if they are stray in Commons wilderness.

Haabet 23:50, 5. Mai 2006 (UTC)

I agree with Finanzer. Wikisource is for e-texts, Commons for multimedia e.g. pictures. The scans are IMHO not very good. We can host the pictures at Commons and combine it here with the text. But here we need text ASAP --FrobenChristoph 00:08, 6. Mai 2006 (UTC)

Hi Haabet, if the text is already available on the intenernet, can you give us some hint to find it? --Jörgens.Mi Diskussion 07:08, 6. Mai 2006 (UTC)

I have any idea about what IMHO and ASAP mean.
All the pictures are hosted in Commons.
All the pictures are very good or fine or tolerable.
But I have need of place to mix images and text.
The intenernet is bottomless, I have any idea where a German text been hiding, if it exist.

Haabet 07:17, 6. Mai 2006 (UTC)

Again, please bring text to the pictures or stop your project. Your project to creat only pages with pictures is sinnsless for us. You can create a big gallery in commons with these nice pictures, not on Wikisource. Thanks --Finanzer 21:40, 16. Mai 2006 (UTC)

I have need a start, and I have bring text to the pictures on some pages.--Haabet 21:49, 16. Mai 2006 (UTC)
You have more than a start, you have dozens of pages only with picture. Bring text first and then you can complete the book. I have blocked you for 8 hours, to think about our wishes. --Finanzer 22:03, 16. Mai 2006 (UTC)

  • I´m sorry, but i don´t see any good will for communication and working together from your side. You´ve got a warm welcome from us, for you and your project. The only thing we are asking for, is the text for the book. We did this several times. Your only reply, as far as i can see is we shall search for the text ourselves. I understand from your answers that you don´t have the text.

Wikisource is text source, not a picture source. Commons is the picture source, therefore please link your pictures in commons, not here. When you have the text on copy fraud free base, come back with the text, put the text to wikisource and than add the picture. We even would be very pleased to help you. When i had look through the pictures on commons, there is any category missing to put the pictures in one context. It would be very usefull even for your work to change this. From the little textpieces i see that youre are from the netherlands. Is that correct and will you give us a link to your wiki-page. sincerly --Jörgens.Mi Diskussion 04:23, 17. Mai 2006 (UTC)

Thank´s allot for bringing in the text, now we can call it a real project. Do you have an electronical version, if yes, maybe we can help to add it. As far as i can see the picture could be enlarged to 350px to give an good impression --Jörgens.Mi Diskussion 21:31, 17. Mai 2006 (UTC)



Only to Commons! Images here will be deleted. Jonathan Groß 23:55, 25. Sep. 2007 (CEST)Beantworten

Haabet there is a simple rule on wikisource pictures / scans have to be on commons. We've been polite and informed you several times that you should work according to our rules. You're just starting again to load pictures locally. There is an deadline of 48 hours for you to load them to commons und put a deletion wish to the pictures on wikisource. Otherwise the pictures here will be deleted immediately wihtout any further notice. Any new pictures loaded locally will be deleted in the future without any information. Sorry for beeing so unpolite. --Jörgens.Mi Talk 23:58, 25. Sep. 2007 (CEST)Beantworten