Benutzer:Haendelfan/Illustrirte Welt (US)
HT collections / catalog entries
- NYPL and 1 vol Illinois
- U Michigan, will add four more volumes in the oncoming year
- U California
Nachweis der Digitalisate
[Bearbeiten]- 1853-01 Google, New York
- 1854-02 MDZ München, Google, Google, New York
- 1855-03 Google, New York
- 1856-04
- 1857-05 U Texas
- 1858-06
- 1859-07 MDZ München, Google
- 1860-08
- 1861-09 MDZ München, Google Illinois
- 1862-10 Wisc, U Texas
- 1863-11 New York
- 1864-12 Google, Google, New York Michigan
- 1865-13 MDZ München, Google U Texas NORTHWESTERN
- 1866-14 Michigan = Google
- 1867-15 Michigan = Google, California
- 1868-16 Michigan = Google, California
- 1869-17 Michigan = Google, California = Google
- 1870-18 01.2019: U Michigan is digitizing its volume
- 1871-19 01.2019: U Michigan is digitizing its volume ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue mglweise ab April 2019 + Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1872-20 Michigan = Google-USA* = Internet Archive
- 1873-21 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue
- 1874-22 University of Wisconsin-Madison 12.18 titles went into the pipeline to Google, but were rejected based on condition; we will be reviewing possibilities for digitizing the item in-house + Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1875-23 University of Wisconsin-Madison 12.18 titles went into the pipeline to Google, but were rejected based on condition; we will be reviewing possibilities for digitizing the item in-house
- 1876-24 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue
- 1877-25 Michigan = Google
- 1878-26 Michigan = Google-USA* = Internet Archive
- 1879-27 01.2019: U Michigan is digitizing its volume
- 1880-28 01.2019: U Michigan is digitizing its volume
- 1881-29 Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1882-30 01.2019: ÖNB Wien digitalisiert ihren Band
- 1883-31 01.2019: ÖNB Wien digitalisiert ihren Band
- 1884-32
- 1885-33
- 1886-34
- 1887-35
- 1888-36
- 1889-37 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue mglweise ab April 2019
- 1890-38 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue mglweise ab April 2019
- 1891-39 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue + Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1892-40 Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1893-41
- 1894-42 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue mglweise ab April 2019 + Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1895-43 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue mglweise ab April 2019
- 1896-44 ANFRAGE NORTHWESTERN 3.7.2018 - joined digitization queue mglweise ab April 2019 + Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1897-45 Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1898-46 Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1899-47
- 1900-48 Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1901-49 Allen County Public Library Fort Wayne 11.07.18 Carrie, Reader Services: located both the 1901 and 1902 volumes and have added them to our digitization queue + Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1902-50 Allen County Public Library Fort Wayne 11.07.18 Carrie, Reader Services: located both the 1901 and 1902 volumes and have added them to our digitization queue + Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- 1903-51 nach ZDB ab 1903 zusammen mit "Das Buch für Alle" Columbia University Libraries New York Columbia NY inq + Princeton University
- Wisconsin: 1862-10, 1873-21, 1876-24